Tuesday 13 September 2011

Blogging Challenge

I decided to participate in an unofficial blogging challenge brought to us by http://courage2start.blogspot.com/2011/09/round-3-bloggers-challenge-lets-go.html

Her first challenge is to introduce ourselves, so here goes:

1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.

I'm 29 years old living in Central Queensland, I have been overweight for all my adult life. I'm slightly lost in a haze at the moment. Hoping to acheive something amazing and change my life.

2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??

I joined 12WBt to lose weight. I've tried to lose weight before and always lack motivation. And the fear of the pain and of people seeing me excercise. Oh and the fear of failure.

3. Why do you blog??

I have never actually blogged before, but I don't have any real close friends or family to really share my thoughts with. So I thought I would give blogging a try as a way of documenting my progress, mainly for myself and if anyone decides to read it along the way.

4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)

This is a really difficult question for me to answer at this point in my life. I honestly don't have anything that inspires me. I hope that one day soon I will be able to answer this question with a wonderful empowering response.

5. What things in life bring you the most joy?

Wow these questions are really confronting for me, I feel at the moment that I live a miserable life. I need to do this to find myself, for self discovery, and to find the things that inspire me and make me happy and the amazing person i know i can be.

6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?

My biggest challenge will just actually doing it, getting out there and excercising, breaking bad habits and relearning how to be the healthy me.

7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?

The end, to see how I come out at the end! Its all a suprise and no idea how it will end.

8. And what scares the pants off you?

THE PAIN!! I am terrified!

9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words

Terrified, scared, unmotivated, But I will do IT.

10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling

amazing, refreshed, new and successful and ready to beat anything!

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